About Us

We conduct vast research in the hopes of being able to better educate the public

OSINT Collective is a US based research and educational foundation

Over the past two years we have become increasingly concerned for the state of the world, and the trajectory it appears to be on. We could no longer stand on the sidelines and watch as the world continued to spiral downwards.

We firmly believe that education is the key to bettering the world, and we have made it our mission to help genuinely educate people. One of the most concerning things we noticed, is the extreme polarization of politics, and the highly interconnected role news channels play in this.

Back in the old days, the news was just the news. They showed you the facts, with honesty. They brought you the truth, and let you decide how to feel, and enabled you to form your own opinion. Nowadays, the news stations manipulate the information they feed you, because they stand to benefit from making you feel a certain way. By refusing to report on a factual basis, and choosing to instead spread misinformation that is beneficial to them, they are directly fueling the divisiveness we see in America today. They are profiting massively from causing these issues. This is Divide and Conquer 101.

This failure to report on a factual basis has the potential to truly be the downfall of America if it isn’t stopped as soon as possible. Many people actually believe the lies they’re being fed, and the propaganda has many too far gone already. This has directly led to the polarization we see today. We can’t take back the damage that’s already been done, we can only attempt to stop any more from occurring.

On our site you will find an abundance of objective views, with a second-to-none emphasis on being as non-bias as possible. If one side deserves criticism, they will get it. If that same group deserves praise, they will get it. We have no agenda, and we have no hidden interests. The only interest we have, is the genuine education of our readers. It’s time the news was simply the news again. We bring you the the facts, and we let you decide how to feel about it.

Welcome to the new age of information, you can count on us for integrity. We hope you enjoy your time spent here!

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